Promoting Interoperability Program Update - CY 2020 IPPS Proposal
Lost amid the ONC release of its 2nd draft of TEFCA and extending the comment period on the Cures proposal, CMS released its annual...

IPPS Final Rule - Inpatient Medicare Promoting Interoperability Overview
Yesterday, CMS dropped their final rule on the Inpatient Payment System (IPPS). Looking at the aspects dealing with the Promoting...
Got To Get It Done
I have had several discussions recently asking "why aren't more developers certifying for 2015 Edition" and I thought I would explore...

Proposed Changes to MU Program
Yesterday CMS released their annual NPRM for Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) for acute care hospitals and long-term care...
Change in Inpatient eCQM Reporting
Last week, we had highlighted the August issued IPPS/LTCH Final Rule from CMS on our blog. This week we found a good post from Acmeware,...