Promoting Interoperability Program Update - CY 2020 IPPS Proposal
Lost amid the ONC release of its 2nd draft of TEFCA and extending the comment period on the Cures proposal, CMS released its annual...
Got To Get It Done
I have had several discussions recently asking "why aren't more developers certifying for 2015 Edition" and I thought I would explore...

Proposed Changes to MU Program
Yesterday CMS released their annual NPRM for Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) for acute care hospitals and long-term care...
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of 2015 Edition Certification
The good and the bad and the ugly of ONC 2015 Edition certification.
Where We Stand with ONC 2015 Edition Certifications
With the launch of 2015 Edition certification testing back in April 2016, we are now nearing the two year mark of this 2015 Edition...
2015 Edition Certification: 1 Year In
In April 2016, ONC-ACBs opened their doors for 2015 Edition certification. We are now nearing the one year mark, and it is a good time to...
Enhanced CHPL Search
A few weeks ago, ONC made some nice enhancements to their CHPL. They have added specific pages for listing decertification (not the pages...
ONC Health IT Certification Program - Updated Test Procedures and Companion Guides - 28Oct16
For October 2016, ONC updated the following test procedure, companion guides, test tools and other aspects related to their 2015 Edition...
ONC Health IT Certification Program - Updated Test Procedures and Companion Guides - 30Sep16
For September 2016, ONC updated the following test procedure, companion guides, test tools and other aspects related to their 2015...
The Slow Launch of 2015 Edition Certification
Lost amidst the intrigue and questions around the new MIPS and APM programs from CMS is the pressing issue of the very slow rollout of...