4 Take-Aways about Direct Secure Messaging from ONC-CMS Proposed Rulemaking
Hugh Gilenson of Data Motion and I co-wrote this article published on Healthcare IT Today on Direct messaging. It is something Hugh and I...
Promoting Interoperability Program Update - CY 2020 IPPS Proposal
Lost amid the ONC release of its 2nd draft of TEFCA and extending the comment period on the Cures proposal, CMS released its annual...

MIPS CY 2019 Proposal
Last month CMS shared their Physician Fee Schedule proposed rule, and they included their MIPS CY 2019 proposals. Here is a summary of...

IPPS Final Rule - Inpatient Medicare Promoting Interoperability Overview
Yesterday, CMS dropped their final rule on the Inpatient Payment System (IPPS). Looking at the aspects dealing with the Promoting...

Proposed Changes to MU Program
Yesterday CMS released their annual NPRM for Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) for acute care hospitals and long-term care...
CMS Reporting Rules - MIPS vs MU
Lost amidst the long awaited MIPS/APM Incentive rule and long overdue 21st Century Cures Act, CMS also dropped their Medicare hospital...
eCQM ICD-10 January 2017 Update
Today, CMS released their special update on new ICD-10 CM codes for eCQMs. Typically, CMS makes updates to their measure definitions in...
Change in Inpatient eCQM Reporting
Last week, we had highlighted the August issued IPPS/LTCH Final Rule from CMS on our blog. This week we found a good post from Acmeware,...
CMS Corner: August Updates
While we are still in the quiet period before MIPS or some other key rules come out later this year, a few things were happening with CMS...